Not only that, but Taylor is obviously the front-and-center of the piece, and boy, does she deliver? She just sounds so heartbroken and sweet, it's impossible not to shed a tear for her.

The music isn't very detailed, just an acoustic guitar, some strings and backing vocals by The Dixie Chicks, but it doesn't matter at all because the whole point is still driven home. Soon You'll Get Better was written after Taylor's mother was diagnosed with cancer and had to undergo a very straining battle against the disease, and gets absolutely everything right. However, everything made sense as soon as I learned the story behind this masterpiece. TAYLOR SWIFT? I mean, Lover is hands down the best thing she's done in a few years, but even then, I didn't expect her to craft something this eventful.

Taylor Swift - Soon You’ll Get Better (Official Audio) ft. Taylor Swift and The Dixie Chicks - Soon You'll Get Better I'll probably never know the actual meaning behind this enormous musical puzzle, but this thing has more Easter eggs and sub-plots than all of Loona's music videos put together, so can you blame me? Moving on, we announce that the #1 prize goes to.ġ. In the meanwhile, I know all the parts of the song sound great, and it's exactly that feeling of disorientation that makes me love this song so much. Uuuugh, never mind, I guess it's part of some long triquadripentaesaeptatrilogy that has characterised her entire career, but I'm not bothered checking out her discography because I'd have to buy all the time in the world to accomplish this huge mission. First she wants to be buried six feet deep (I guess she likes some hot BDSM), then she says chewey chewy yummy yummy (?), and then she says she wants to drink blood (?!?!?!?!?!?) and then she wants to be buried again just what the absolute f- ?!?"?=?)"=)=801983129)?(!"07987893464. ah nah, I still don't understand what this whole travesty is supposed to mean. But then you read the lyrics and everything makes sense. Concrete has absolutely no logical thread in terms of music, with the beat constantly switching from a hard-hitting rock tune to a more restrained pop tone, and then to rock again but different. if this isn't the most confusing thing I've ever heard in Western music, then I don't know what is. If only Ariana ever did anything this good after thank u, next. Ariana Grande's backing vocals are the final icing on the cake, bringing some fondly needed fun in this world of musical averageness. The obvious star of the show in Motivation is the super bouncy beat that has its roots in 2000's pop and R&B, which is instantly bound to make anyone twerk, even the people with the smallest butts in the world, but Normani also gets a piece of the cake as she's having tons of fun with the delivery, and it shows. However, I have to give credit where it's due, and here's an example. It isn't very common for me to talk about popular songs, and that's for two reasons: one, the Top 20 hasn't moved much this year, so very few stuff managed to scrape onto the higher spots and stay there long enough, and two, I've always preferred to keep a closer eye to more underrated stuff, so that everyone received their deserved amount of exposure. Of course it doesn't hurt that the music also knocks it out of the park, with those gritty guitars and the overall relaxing pace, saving not only this month but also the entire world of 2019's R&B. The Lay Down, however, flips everything by embracing some welcome subtlety, not only in the lyrics themselves, but also in the performances, which are incredibly suave and fit the carefully built atmosphere. At this point it's clear that no one bothers providing actual music to these talentless hacks.
#Zivert life english lyrics how to
it's just that literally nobody knows how to make a sex song right! Most rappers have no delicacy at all and just focus on how many kinky terms they can cram into one verse, making the details way too graphic and squeezing vomit out of the world's stomachs - and don't get me started on the beats, pffffft. Now, don't get me wrong, I have nothing against sex songs, I'm 19, after all. Remember that rapper from that Broccoli song from 3 years ago? Well, now he's back in the hip-hop scene and crafted something that unexpectedly works: a hip-hop R&B sex jam that is good.